A defamation suit of Rs 100 crore has been filed against AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann. Such a suit can become difficult for both the leaders before the Assembly Election.
Before the Delhi Assembly Election, the troubles of AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann have increased. At the same time, a defamation suit of Rs 100 crore has been filed against both the leaders. However, BJP candidate from New Delhi assembly constituency Pravesh Verma has filed a case against both the AAP leaders. He has said that I will use this money for the people of New Delhi Assembly.
What else did Pravesh Verma say?
BJP candidate from New Delhi assembly constituency Pravesh Verma said that ‘I have complained to the Election Commission. And have also made a written complaint to the Delhi Police that thousands of cars from Punjab are roaming in the last one week. Also, the Chief Minister of Punjab, ministers, his MLAs and his party workers are roaming in their private cars in the New Delhi assembly constituency. Those who have ‘Punjab Government’ stickers pasted on them. They are distributing liquor and CCTVs and money here. They know that they are losing the elections. That’s why they are making false statements. I have filed a defamation suit of Rs 100 crore against Arvind Kejriwal and Bhagwant Mann. Also, I will use this money for the people of New Delhi Assembly.’
Kejriwal said this in a press conference
AAP convenor and former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal accused BJP of spreading violence in a press conference. He also said that the way BJP is spreading violence. However, news is coming from all over Delhi. This is happening in my own assembly. He said, ‘The violence and hooliganism that BJP is spreading is not limited to Atishi’s constituency only. But it is happening all over Delhi. We are constantly getting complaints that BJP is resorting to violence.’